Accounting Modules

Keep your billing accurate and ensure fast and reliable billing for your Users and Bureaus / Dealers with a Patriot Accounting Module

  • Reduced manual data entry by automating one off charges such as alarm attendances work orders.
  • Automated and reconciled accounting data transfers.
  • Relevant details provided on invoices.
  • Consolidated site invoicing (multiple sites on one invoice).
  • Temporary alarm billing and Work Order billing.
  • Excel Reconciliation reports.
  • Tight integration to accounting applications.

Patriot will support most Industry Recognised Packages such as MS Office 365, Xero, Dynamics Nav, Dynamics GP, MYOB, QuickBooks, Sage and many more

Accounting Features

The Patriot Accounting Modules will ensures all services are billed accurately and automatically

  • Service charges
    Recurring monitoring entitlement charges assigned to clients on the client billing tab.
  • Activation charges
    Additional messaging, remote arming, Virtual Guard Tours can be assigned to completed activations.
  • Work Order charges
    Labour, parts and stock can be assigned to completed work orders. Once an activation or work order has been billed, it is marked as Completed and Billed in Patriot. Work Order Charges can be added directly by Technicians through the Internet Client Access Web Portal.
  • Dispatch charges
    Patrol response and dispatch requests can have automatic or manual charges added to their appropriate dispatch jobs.

  • Patriots direct integration with Xero, MYOB, Microsoft Dynamics and ODOO provide instant and accurate communication of charges and billing details for easy invoicing from your accounting software.

  • All charges can be configured at a globally level and overridden by Bureau / Installer or client level prices if required.
  • Patriot bills clients (directly or via Bureaus) for their assigned charges.
  • One Line billing for Bureaus and Installers reduces the amount of invoicing through your accounting package. A breakdown of the accounts and charges is automatically emailed from Patriot at the same time.
  • Partial charging supported.
  • Dispatch charging allows for automatic calculations for time On Site through communication with the Patrol via the Patriot Plink app, Web Dispatch features or other integrated applications.
  • Full Invoice Charge summary, auditing and reporting for Bureaus & Installers available.

Billing Charges

Billing Clients for Services

Bill clients for recurring service charges by assigning one or more master service charges on the client billing tab. You must choose a start and end date for each charge. Patriot's billing batch runs will only bill clients for a billing period if the billing period fits within these dates (part charging is supported). You may override the master charge value amount for individual clients if necessary.

Billing Bureau / Installers for Services

Bill a Bureau or Installer for service charges assigned to clients belonging to that Bureau. Whether a client with service charges assigned is billed directly or via a Bureau is decided by the configuration of your billing batch runs. When billing Bureaus it is possible to override the value amount of each master service charge billed to each of a dealer's clients. This is achieved by inserting charge overrides on the Bureaus user's Charges tab.

Billing for Activations

A single charge may be assigned to a current or completed activation. Billing status on the completed activation will read "Chargeable" if the activation belongs to a billed client (one who has a billing account no. set either directly on the client billing tab or via the dealer on the dealer details tab) and the activation charge has not yet been processed by a billing batch. After the charge is processed by the next periodic activation billing batch run the completed activation's billing status will read "Charged". Once an activation has been marked charged it cannot be billed again by subsequent activation billing batch runs.

Billing for Work Orders

One or more charges may be assigned to a work order before or after it is has been completed. Billed status on the work order will be blank until the charge[s] have been processed by a billing batch. Work order charges, like Service and Activation charges, are only processed by billing batches if they belong to a billed client (one who has a billing account no. set either directly on the client billing tab or via the dealer on the dealer details tab). Usually a work order will also need to be marked as Completed before it can be billed, but this is configurable in the work order batch settings. After the charge is processed by the next periodic work order billing batch run (the first that occurs after the To Be Billed date) the completed work order will display the billed date. Once a work order has been marked with a billed date it cannot be billed again by subsequent work order billing batch runs.

Technicians can also add in Work order charges directly through the Internet Client Access Web Portal.

Billing for Dispatch

One or more charges may be assigned to a Dispatch Job before or after it is has been completed. Billed status on the Dispatch Job will be blank until the charge[s] have been processed by a billing batch. Charges can be automatically applied, manually applied and override at a client or Bureau level if required.

For time on site Patriot can automatically charge an initial fee for the dispatch, for example the first 30 minutes on site, and then for additional time after that in increments. This will be automatically calculated based on the Patrols on site and off site logging through the Plink Patrol app, Web Dispatch features or manually by an operator.

Single Line Billing for Bureaus

An Invoice Charge summary report can be printed for each invoice generated by a billing batch run. Charge summary reports can be automatically emailed to the invoice recipient such as a Bureau at the same time the invoice is sent to your accounting software for processing. This is useful when billing large Bureau accounts - by enabling the Amalgamate Invoice Lines option and choosing an email output option you can send a single line invoice to your accounting software to produce a formal invoice, while at the same time a full charge break down is sent to the Bureau / dealer directly from Patriot.

Billing Batch Runs

Patriot can perform scheduled billing batch runs to periodically process your client and dealer assigned charges and send raw billing data to your accounting software package for invoicing. Typically you will setup one billing batch run for each charge type, but you may need more depending on whether you bill clients directly or via a dealer/installer or a combination of both.

Once a billing batch run completes, you can easily review all invoice data sent to your accounting package. You can also choose (by unchecking the Authorised option in the batch settings) to delay sending the invoice data to your accounting package until after it has been reviewed in Patriot. The invoice data displayed includes the Invoice No. generated by your account software . By expanding the invoice lines you can run a standard client, activation or work order report on any item being charged in the invoice.

An Invoice Charge summary report can be printed for each invoice generated by a billing batch run. Charge summary reports can be automatically emailed to the invoice recipient at the same time the invoice is sent to your accounting software for processing. This is useful when billing large dealer accounts - by enabling the Amalgamate Invoice Lines option and choosing an email output option you can send a single line invoice to your accounting software to produce a formal invoice, while at the same time a full charge break down is sent to the dealer directly from Patriot.

Odoo Accounting Module Features

The Patriot Odoo module will allow Patriot to interact with the Odoo SRM and manage sales and billing data between both packages.

  • Clients created and changed in Odoo by accounts and sales teams are automatically generated and updated as clients in Patriot.
  • Dealers created in Odoo are linked to their associated clients from Patriot.
  • Patriot Operators can generate work orders and these are automatically sent across to the Odoo Billing cycle.
  • Alarm and Response costs from Patriot are automatically included in the Odoo billing cycles.
  • Service and reoccurring costs from Patriot are automatically included in the Odoo billing cycles.
  • Work orders and charges from Patriot are automatically included in the Odoo billing cycles.
  • Sales inquiries entered in Patriot and transferred over to the Odoo Sales Leads.
  • Odoo Operators can click on details in accounts and generate invoices which will automatically open the Client in Patriot.


Patriot Package: Patriot Professional or Enterprise (Lite not supported)

Other requirements: Odoo Accounting Module registration

Patriot security alarm and camera partners

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Patriot Systems develops and markets industry leading Security Alarm Monitoring Automation software. The company was established in 1997, although development of the software began four years prior. Today, Patriot is recognised as a world leader in Alarm Monitoring Software.

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