Dealer/Installer Setup Guidelines

These guidelines are the recommended approach for configuring a monitoring site using dealer and installer companies. The guidelines cover setting up each dealer to have access to their own sites as well as storing relevant company details. The recommended setup includes two categories. First, the installer must be assigned to each site as a user. This allows reports by-user to be run. In addition, client groupings should be set up to allow operator filtering to be used and standard reports to be filtered by-dealer as well.

Setting up Site Groupings

Each site should be assigned a site grouping that corresponds to the dealer name. It is recommended to set aside an entire Site Groupings category for Dealer names.

To enter and update these groupings, open the Maintenance Menu -> Clients -> Site Groupings

Insert a new site grouping type, and enter an appropriate name, e.g. "Dealer". Add a site grouping to the grouping type for each dealer in the system. New dealer items can be added easily by returning to this screen. Clients can be added to the appropriate dealer group by using the Default Client Grouping option (requires Dealer Features module) on the installer details (below), or manually set for each client using the Reporting Tab.

Setting up the Installer user.

The installer is set up as a standard user, and assigned to each individual site that they are responsible for. See the Users Tab documentation for information on creating the installer user and assigning them to each site.

The user type should be changed to Installer. The following fields are available only to Installer users:

Showing Dealers on Response Plans

Dealers can be added to their clients' response plans by inserting the Installer user type into any standard typed response plan. This works the same way as assigning any other user type type to a response plan, so make sure that you check Respond when assigning a client's dealer if you wish the dealer to appear on the generated response plan. A response plan including the installer user type can then be assigned at the global, dealer or client level. Refer to the Action Plan & Response Overrides section of Action Plans for more information).

Warning: the following feature is only available when the Legacy Site/Dealer Call Order setting is enabled in the system wide response settings. This legacy feature will be dropped by Patriot in the near future.

The dealer can be automatically added to all response plans for their clients from the System Wide Settings screen, by setting the Installer Call Order field on the Response Settings tab. If this is set to a value greater than 0, any Engineers assigned to the Dealer, who have a call order greater than 0, are also added to the response plans.

Useful features and options

The following features are often used by dealers once the system is configured suitably. Follow each link for more information about each feature.

Automated Reports - these can be sent to each installer automatically, covering only their own sites. For example, each installer might want a weekly activity report

Work Orders - required maintenance work can be recorded along with any charges and deadlines. Combined with automated reports, the required work can be automatically emailed to the installer.

With the Dealer Features Module, the following additional features are available:

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