Identicom requires Telephony to be setup to record the phone call from the Identicom unit. There are existing Identicom dialplans that can be supplied.
responding to activations for Identicom clients, a Play Recordings button will
display to allow access to these recordings.
To make this happen, the Identicom client must be configured with a panel type which has the special option of Telephony Recordings. There must also be a recent recording logged against this client.
Identicom Panel Setup
Identicom units can also send SMS messages along with the recorded voice messages.
To receive these SMS you must setup the standard GSM task and set the Received Message Type to option to Identicom (was Triex in 5.2).
If you are setting up new Identicom installation make sure that the Log To Device Ref. No. checkbox is checked. When this option is checked Identicom SMS are logged to against the client with a Device Reference No. on the maintenance tab matching the received message caller ID no. Unchecking this option causes the GSM task to revert to the legacy behaviour which was to log Identicom signals directly against the caller ID no.*
*The GSM task will also fallback to this legacy behavior if no client with a matching Device Reference No. is found.
The GSM task will now match all received SMS messages against the following table of standard Identicom SMS phrases:
Phrase | Alt. Phrase | Patriot Event Type |
Red Alert | 64008 | |
PAEmergency | 64009 | |
MAMan | Man Down Alert | 64010 |
Amber Alert | 64011 | |
Welfare Check | 64012 | |
On Charge | Charger Connected | 64013 |
Off Charge | Charger Disconnected | 64014 |
Low Battery | 64015 | |
Battery Voltage | Status: Signal ## Voltage #.##V Temperature ##.#C | 64016 |
Amber Alert Extended ## minutes | 64017 | |
Temperature Above ## | Temp Rising Above ## | 64018 |
Temperature Below ## | 64019 | |
Temperature Normal | 64020 | |
Chaperone Alert | 64021 | |
Chaperone Alert Cancelled | 64022 |
You can download the standard event type template for Identicom, which includes the types listed above, from Receivers & Format Templates.
If one of the exact phrases above is contained anywhere in the message, an Identicom signal will be logged against a client with a device reference no. matching the caller ID of the SMS message. The signal will have a type number as listed above. The full SMS message will be logged in the signal description.
If any SMS messages are received which don't match any of the standard phrases they will be logged as per normal received SMS messages; ie. they will be logged against the selected GSM task system template, with the standard received message type number. The message and phone number will be contained in the raw data of this signal.