System Wide Settings


System Menu Item -> System Settings -> System Wide Settings

Activation Settings

Activation Settings

Report Note Action Plan

This selector button allows the default Action Plan for all report notes to be set. Generally a Benign Action Plan would be used e.g. Priority 0 No Zone/User Info, as a report note being logged by the system would require no further action to be taken once it has been logged. These notes include operator actions taken when attending to an activation.

Default Sleep time

When an activation is put to sleep, this sets the default number of minutes the Attend will sleep for.

Auto Sleep

Check this box if you wish Attends to be put straight to sleep with the above default time and priority increase, whenever the Sleep button is pressed.

PopUp Note

When an activation is edited, any temporary notes against the client can be displayed with a popup message. Enable the Pop Up Client Note check box if you wish for this to happen.

Tight Zone Camera Coverage

Decides if a camera zone must have activated before the camera button is displayed when responding to an activation.

Log Operator Camera Actions

Operator camera actions (like camera selection, ptz actions) are logged into the operator actions for this activation.

Group Pending Alarms by Client

If enabled, when a client has multiple activations pending, they will all be handled by a single operator. If additional alarms arrive while an operator is handling the initial alarm, the new alarms will be automatically pre-assigned to that operator. If multiple alarms are received before any operator responds, the operator who opens the first alarm will have the extra alarms assigned to themselves also. Please note that if an operator logs out while these attends are still pending, the attends will not be released. All operators should completely finish activations and ensure the 'My Alarms' list is clear before logging out. Alarms that have been pre-assigned can also be opened by other operators if required. A warning message will be shown to warn the new operator about the pre-assignment.

Group Completed Alarms by Client

Only available if 'Group Pending Alarms by Client' is checked. When an operator responds to an alarm, all additional alarms logged against that client are automatically pre-assigned to the operator so long as the operator is currently logged in. If there are no activations belonging to the client in the Current Activations list, it will look for the last logged in operator who dealt with an activation for this client, up to 12 hours ago in the client's history. If there are no operators available, the activation will be assigned as a new pending alarm.

Please note that alarms that have been pre-assigned can also be opened by other operators, if required. When another operator takes ownership, they will be assigned any incoming activations received from the same client. A warning message will be shown to warn the new operator about the pre-assignment.

Exclude multi-completed activations from response reports

Any activations completed using the multi-complete on the Activation List tab of a client, immediately after completing the main activation, will be excluded from the operator response reports.

Forbid Operator Logout with Pending Activations

Stops the operator from being allowed to logout if they have any activations on hold. This avoids these alarms going unnoticed in the system after the operator logs off. You can override this behaviour in a one off manner by clicking the Allow once on next logout button. This can be useful if you are applying a patch and need all operators to logoff and then straight back on again.

With the forbid rule in place, if an operator attempts to logout with activations on hold, they won't be allowed too until these are processed. The operator will be given the option to put all their on hold alarms to sleep (using the multi sleep function). When the alarms re-awaken they will be displayed to all operators as normal. If requested, the operator will be given access to the multi sleep function in this one off case, even if they don't normally have access rights to it.

Merge Recent History

When enabled Patriot will merge recent signal history from all base-linked client areas when displaying recent signal history for a selected activation. This includes the recent camera signals list displayed on the Camera Event tab after an actvation. Signals that originate from areas other than the activation area include an area label and are displayed in a lighter shade than signals that originate from the activation area.

Autocomplete Restore Tracked Activations on Restoral

Normally, Patriot will only autocomplete Restore Tracked activations when a restoral is received while the activation is "New" (ie. not yet picked up by any operator). However if this option is enabled and a restore tracked activation is picked up by an operator and then manually put to sleep, Patriot will also autocomplete the sleeping activation if a restoral is received.

Activation Completion Rules

Activation Completion Rules

These rules decide whether an operator should be allowed to place on hold or complete an activation. Each rule can be set to required (no action can take place until the rule is satified) or warning only (operator can choose to ignore the rule). By default Activation completion rule settings apply to all clients and all activations. If you need more control over which activations require which rules you can override these system wide rules at the Action Plan level.

Misc Settings

MiscellaneousMiscellaneous Settings

Image Type

The Image Type selector is where you record the file extension (eg. BMP or JPEG) for the image files that will be used to store client layout pictures. When you save a layout picture the file name should be the full client number, that is, the Client Number, the Area Number, and the Port ID, for example, 0001000101.bmp where bmp is the image file type specified.

Log Maintenance Changes

By enabling this option, any changes made to clients, types, zones, users, and response plans will logged against the operator who made the changes. Maintenance changes are recorded in the Operator Log File along with the operator's name, date and time of the change.

Operator changes to a client can be viewed from the History Tab of the client. An Operator Log report is also available from the Reports menu.

Mapping Options



Internet Mapping Site Address

Specifies the URL of your Internet Mapping module public website.

Map Zoom Percentage

Sets the default map zoom percentage when the Client Mapping tab is first opened.

Default Latitude and Longitude

If a client location search fails to find anything, go to this location on the map.

Include non-alarm clients on Activation Monitoring map screen

If enabled, the Activation Monitoring map screen will display the locations of all clients, not just those with current alarms.

Automatically Search for Client Location

If a client's mapping location is not set, automatically run a search for the address when first opening the map tab.

Listen In Settings


Listen In Settings

Blind transfer command settings. Refer to FE900 Listen In for information about Patriot's listen in features.

Operator Passwords

Operator Passwords

Operator Passwords

Minimum Password Length

Sets the minimum allowable password length of a Patriot Operator.

Camera/Video Settings


Camera/Video Settings

Time Range for Video Event List

Sets the amount of video event history avaliable from the Activation screen's video verification recent clip list.

Block Camera Audio Listening

Disable all inbound audio options from integrated camera interfaces. This is a legal requirement in some jurisdictions. Outbound audio is unaffected.

Camera Post-Recording Timeout

Sets how long to record the camera window after an operator camera action during an activation response. If the operator makes a follow up camera action within this timeout, the timeout is reset and the recording continues. If no follow up camera action is made within this time then the recording is stopped and saved to the server's video storage directory (a new recording will begin if a subsequent camera action is made).

Video Recording Quality

Set the quality (H.264 video bit-rate) of operator camera action recordings of the camera window made during an activation response. The five options are: Worst, Low, Medium, High and Lossless. If Medium is selected you can expect a one minute long recording of a high definition monitor to use approximately 400 kB of disk space. The disk space space requirements increase greatly with each upward step in quality so be sure to consider your available storage space when choosing a quality setting.

Video Storage Folder

Patriot saves operator camera action recordings to .avi video (H.264 codec) files, and can also save still images from the camera as reference frames. This setting determines which folder the video capture files are saved into. The folder location is relative to your Patriot server.

Archived Video Storage Folder

You can optionally specify an archive folder where Patriot can automatically transfer old recordings from the Video Storage Folder. Refer to archiving for more information.

Default Live Camera View

Set the default camera view when opening the Live View in Cameras.

Alarm Sounds Settings


Space is provided to enter .wav file names for alarm sounds. Any custom sound files must be placed inside the Patriot Client installation folder if they are to be detected by Patriot.

Alarm Interval (Seconds)

This is the time (in seconds) between repeating playback of a new Alarm Sound. This setting controls the play interval for all six Alarm Sounds.

For example if the Alarm Interval is set to 10 seconds, the alarm sound will play every 10 seconds until the activation has either been picked up by an operator, completed, removed, or placed on hold.

If there are several new activations, each with different sounds assigned to the action plans, only the highest priority action plan sound will be played.

Out Of Focus Warning Filename

Enter the filename of an alarm sound you want played when the Patriot Client program is not in focus. This may be useful if you want either a louder or softer alarm sound than normal, while working in other applications.

You can also receive popup notifications when Patriot is not in focus. For more information, see Workstation Settings.

Play Alarm Sound for Awoken Activation

This option determines if an alarm sound will play for activations as soon as they awaken from sleep.

Play Alarm Sound for Released Activation

This option determines if an alarm sound will play for an activation when an operator releases it. A released activation is one that an operator has first taken ownership of, and then returns it to the main list of new activations. See Attending To An Alarm for more information.

Reminder Interval (Seconds)

This is the time in seconds between repeating playback of the Alarm Reminder sound file. The Alarm Reminder sound is played back when the logged in operator has ownership of pending activation/s. The Alarm Reminder sound will play repeatedly at this interval until all of an operator's pending Activations are completed, removed, or a new Activation triggers one of the new Alarm sounds to begin playback.

General Client Settings


Default Note Expiry

Enter the number of days for notes (on the notes tab of a client) to remain in the system, before they will be removed. This will only happen if expire note is enabled.

New Client Template

The default Template for a new client can be specified here.

Enable Dealer Branding

IDA Module Required. Displays Dealer branding on client.

Show Operator Notes in History

The default setting of Show Operator Notes in Signal History tab of a client can be edited here.

Default Opening/Closing Hour

The default Open/Close time when inserting a new schedule for a client.


If you have the Enterprise Edition of Patriot and Auto-Complete Standard Messages setting is enabled, an intellisense text box will appear in all areas supported by Standard Messages.(Read Standard Message for more detail)

Site Groupings

Group Titles are user definable categories that are mainly used for filtering client records for reporting purposes. It enables client record categories to be tailored to suit the needs of each central station. For instance, a category might be set up for the type of Client (e.g. Commercial, Residential, Industrial etc). The type header would be set up as Client Type. When performing client maintenance, this type header will appear on the Reporting Tab of the client record. The client can then be assigned to a value within this grouping. See Reporting Tab for help on setting values within a group.

Phone Number Settings

The outside line and mobile phone prefix.

Work Orders Settings

Default Work Due Days : The default time scale for Work Due By days when creating a new work order for a client.

Default Billing Due Days : The default time scale for To Be Billed days when creating a new work order for a client.


Log Expiration Warning

Option to add notification when testmode expires. If enabled, additional settings will be added to the test mode form.

Never: Hide controls and always disable.

Default Off: Controls displayed and defaulted off.

Default On: Controls displayed and defaulted on.

Always: Hide controls and defaulted on.

Time Before Expiration

Default time (before Test Mode expiration) to log the notification signal.

General User Settings

general user
General User Settings Tab

Default Contact No. Order

In this tab you can set the default order in which a user should be contacted. For example, if Mobile No = 1, Phone No (landline) = 2, Pager No = 3, and After Hours No = 4. Then by default user contact numbers will be listed in that order on response plan section of the activation screen.

Default Instruction Source

When a new user is assigned to a "by user" response plan, this is the default instruction source. This option is only useful when the legacy "Extended User Instructions" setting is enabled in the Data Service configuration.

Default Work Order User Filter

Work Order Filter
The work order user selector can be filtered to only show specific user types.

This option determines which type of users will be shown by default when assigning a user to a work order. Pick the most common user type that you would assign to a work order.

Reverse User Response Schedule

When checked user schedules (for response) are defined in reverse. Which means that the schedules are entered in by setting an available until time, followed by an available from time. This setting has been added for backwards compatibility, it is recommended that it is unchecked. Beware that changing this setting will reverse the behaviour of all existing user response schedules.

Legacy User Template 3

When checked, a third User Template can be selected from the Users Tab. Only enable this option if you require users to be assigned to clients via 3 separate templates, as support for this option is likely to be dropped in newer versions of Patriot.

Default User Template Filter

This option determines what users will be listed by default when viewing the Users Tab of a client.

There are 3 options:

  1. Show All: This will display any users assigned directly to the client or to the user templates.
  2. Show Client Assigned only: Only users that are directly assigned to the client will appear in the list.
  3. Show Template Assigned only: Only users that are assigned to templates will appear in the list.

Data Service Settings

Data Service Settings

Auto Status Monitoring

Decides if automated schedule checks (late to close, open out of hours, etc.) and "no signals received" monitoring is enabled. At certain times (like when commissioning a new Patriot installation) this may intentionally be disabled.

Automated Alarm Handling

Required for automated handling of alarms, such as clearing sleeping activations when an opening or restoral signal is received, and for action plan escalation.

Operator Filtering

Using this option, operators can be restricted to only have access to certain client groups. For more information about how to set this up, go to Operator Preferences.

Messaging Settings

Messaging Enabled

Enables or disables the sending out of assigned task messages (Email, SMS messages, Paging, etc).

Page to Clients on Test

Enables or disables the sending out of assigned task messages (Email, SMS messages, Paging, etc) to clients that are currently in Test Mode.

Messaging Delay

Delays the sending out of any messages, by the specified number of seconds.

Max Alarms To Send specifies the maximum number of messages a response member should be sent in response to alarm events from a single client, of the same priority, within a set period of time Within Time (Min).

E.g. Max Alarms to Send set at 4 and within time set at 2 minutes. If a large number of burglary events was then to occur within a two minute period only the first four signals would trigger automatic messages. A fire alarm signal of different priority (say priority 2) however, received from the same client within the same time period will still trigger an automatic message even though the maximum alarms parameter may have been exceeded.

Send Open/Close With recent alarm causes any set and unset signals received from a client to trigger automated messages to response members when received within a short period Within Time (Min) of an alarm event.

Note: for this option to work this messaging task must be assigned to response members of the relevant Open/Close Action Plans and also need to enable the Send Open/Close With recent alarm setting on each messageing task. Beware that if this option is disabled and this messaging task is assigned to Open/Close Action Plans, then all Open/Close events will trigger messages regardless of received time. This does not require alarms to be assigned a task.

Timezone Support

There are 3 different options here for Timezone Support:

Read the Timezones page for more detail about these.


Sets the language for the Patriot Data and Task Services. This allows for the translation of internally generated server messages.

For more details about this, see Language Translation.

Base Account Mode

There are 3 different options here for Base Account Mode. The modes affect which account numbers are used to log unmatched area signals against, when the Ignore option is set on either the Area 0001 or BASE Account.

The primary use for these options are to combine all or some areas into a single client account.

Mode If area account is not found, log to: Description
Standard BASE

Base Account system is fully supported. Signals will be logged against Base Account, if the area number in the signal doesn't exist.

Base Account's Area Code must be set to Ignore in Signal Interpretation.

Mixed First try 0001, then if not found use BASE.

Supports both Base Account and Area 0001 Account.

If the area number from the signal doesn't exist:

  1. First try to log against Area 0001 Account, if the account exists and the Area Code is set to Ignore in Signal Interpretation.

  2. If Area 0001 Account is not found, then log against Base Account, if it exists and the the Base Account's Area Code set to Ignore in Signal Interpretation.

Legacy 0001

Base Account is not supported. If the area number from the signal doesn't exist, signals will be logged against Area 0001 Account. The Area 0001 Account's Area Code must be set to Ignore in Signal Interpretation.

More info:

Auto Detect Format

When a ghost signal is received, an attempt is made to set the appropriate type template of the ghost account.

Runaway Alarm Settings

Runaway Alarm Monitoring

On detection of a runaway alarm (repeating signal from the same Client/Zone/Module combination in quick succession), a system alarm is logged to alert the operator. The Runaway Alarm monitoring system is controlled by the following Runaway Threshold and Runaway Interval settings.

Runaway Threshold

Max number of signals that can be logged against a single Client/Zone/Module combination within the Runaway Interval before a system alarm is generated. This setting can be overriden at the client level, refer to Test Tab for more information.

Runaway Interval

The interval (in minutes) that the Runaway Threshold should be applied over. Max interval is 60 minutes. This setting can be overriden at the client level, refer to Test Tab for more information.

Runaway Test Mode

If checked then Runaway Alarm monitoring is not suspended when a client is placed on Test Mode. If the UL module is registered then this option is not available because UL requirements do not allow for Test Mode suspension of Runaway Alarm monitoring.

Log Non-Monitored Signals

This option is only available if the Non-Monitored Accounts module is included in the Patriot license. If checked, an event will be logged when a signal is received for a client marked as Non-Monitored. If unchecked, the signal will be ignored.

Log Unactioned Attend Warnings

When this option is enabled, a system event will be logged if a new unactioned attend reaches warning timer level 3. A restore will be logged when all pending activations have been picked up by operators. See Action Plan Settings for information on configuring warning levels.

Client No. Display


You may choose how the client no is displayed throughout Patriot 6 . This allows you to display only the information you require.

Set the Client ID, Characters shown to the largest client code you use, usually 4 digits.

Show Area, if this option is checked, the Area No. will be displayed. e.g. 1234(1).

Show Port, if this option is checked, the Port ID will be displayed, e.g. 1234(1)-01.

Response Settings

Response Settings

Default Global Action Plan

This button allows a default Action Plan to be selected if no other Action Plan has been selected at a lower level. See Action Plans for more information.

Show email on response

With this you can choose to display the email address on the response list:

Show Email On Response

Assign All Users button includes template users

This determines whether users assigned from a template will be added to the response, when clicking Assign All button on the response tab. When this option is off, only users assigned directly to the site will be added. See the Users Tab and Response Tab documents for more general information on assigning users and response plans.

Assign All Users to Response
The "Assign All Users to Response" button

Global User Template

Use this option if you need certain users to be available to all clients in Patriot.

Select an account that has the global users assigned to it. (This client account should only be a user template, not a monitored account that receives alarms.) When you have a Global User Template selected, it is equivalent to assigning this account as a user template (at the top of the Users Tab) to all clients. This means that all the global users in this template are available for responding to alarms and triggering Assigned Tasks for all clients.

Legacy Response

It is strongly recommended that alarm response plans are assigned to action plans at one of the standard three tiered levels (Client, Dealer & Global). If this recommended practice is followed then none of the Legacy Response features in this section need to be enabled, and in fact they should be disabled to improve system performance and simplify Patriot's response plan user interface. Each of the five Legacy Response settings in this section turns on or off a response plan generation feature that will be completely removed from Patriot in the future. All of these features have been catorigized as either difficult to understand or cumbersome to maintain. All response plans that could be generated with the Legacy Response features can generated using recommended practices, and in most cases, much more efficiently.

Legacy User Tolerance Schedules enables the old User Tolerance time slots (Mon-Sun, Morning or Afternoon). User Tolerance Schedules should be used in its place where possible, as the old time slots will be removed from the software over time.

Legacy Response Template means that a Template account can be used for the response plan. If it is disabled, the Template option will not appear on the Response Tab. The recommended approach is that you instead use the "Include Base Response" option for Partitioned (multi-area) accounts, and set up Typed Response Plans for a more general response system that can be used across a range of clients.

Default System Account

Default system account

A default client has been set up to have notes logged against. When the program is installed this client is the Notes Client, NOTE-0001-01. Notes entered using the log notes command on the Notes Browse, along with operator log on and offs are logged against this client.

Report Settings

Printer Settings

Margin Settings

When printing a report, these margins are used around the edges of the printed page.

Page Size Settings

This option controls which page size should be used when printing reports. By default, the page size will match the default printer options, but this can be overridden to e.g. A5 if required.

Email Settings

Default Reporting Email Task

This email task will be used to send reports. If no email task is selected, the first available email task in the system will be used. Note that this can be overridden on specific dealers when using the Dealer Branding feature.

Reports Review

When enabled all manually generated emailed reports will not be sent immediately. Instead they will be held in the messaging queue for review. The Report Review Group allows selection of an operator group that will be sent a notification whenever a report requiring review is generated. The reports can be reviewed from the Maintenance -> General -> Messaging Queue.

Include Note Type On Reports

Choose which operator actions should appear on reports

Search Settings


Client Seach (Wildcard)

The default fields searched when using the wildcard search from the search clients window.

Client Seach (Starts With)

The default fields searched when using the starts with search from the search clients window.

User Search Settings

The default fields searched when using the user code search from the search clients window.