Billing Charges

Billing charges can be set up to represent any billable item within Patriot. This includes recurring charges such as ongoing monitoring fees as well as one-off charges such as maintenance or response fees.

Master Charges

Patriot's Master Charge list should be setup to contain a complete list of all charges which can be billed.

Master Charge configuration screen
Patriot Master Charge configuration showing the charge period details for a service charge.

Charge Overrides

Specific clients, customers, or dealers often have different charge details. By adding charge overrides at different levels, charge amounts, quantities and other charge details (charge period, only charge while commissioned option) can be replaced and updated easily.

When calculating the amount/quantity and other charge details of an added charge, the details are loaded from the following sources in order of priority.

  1. Point of assignment (e.g. directly on the client, work order, etc.)

  2. Billing Customer (Standard Customer Billing only)

  3. Dealer

  4. Master Charge

Charge Types

Each master charge specifies the charge type, indicating where it can be used.

Service Charges

Service charges are used for recurring charges, and are assigned to a client on the Client Billing Tab.

You can add a recurring charge to a client by assigning one or more service charges on the client billing tab.

If the service charge has the option Only Charge While Commissioned checked then Patriot will start billing automatically when the client is commissioned (and will automatically stop if the client is de-commissioned) otherwise you must choose a start date for each charge, and an optional end date and Patriot will only bill the customer for the client within these dates (or indefinitely if no end state is set).

Note that it is allowable to set manual start/end dates on charges which have the Only Charge While Commissioned option checked. In this case the billing start date will be selected as the later of the charge start date and the client commissioning date, and the end date will be selected as the earlier of the charge end date and the client de-commissioning date.

Client Billing setup
Client billing information and recurring charges are displayed on the client Billing tab.
Charge Period

Each service charge includes a charge period which defines how and when the charge should be automatically billed (charge transactions generated).

Enter a Description of the Charge Period, e.g. Fortnightly, Monthly etc.

The Period Length will default to 1 and you can click the dropdown box to select either Days or Months as the time unit.

Select the Period Start date of charge period that this first date the charge period start to be counted. This will default to your current datetime.

Part Charging: There are three different types of Part Charging you can choose. These are 'None', 'Whole Period' and 'Custom'. Optionally you can set a different part charging scheme depending on whether a client is starting or ending during a period.

The part charging setting comes into effect when a client's service charge start or ends mid-period. If you set part charging to 'None' then clients will not be billed at all for partial periods, if you set 'Whole Period' then clients will be billed for the whole period regardless, and 'Custom' means charge for the specified months or days. It is also possible to use a different part charging scheme depending on whether the client started or ended. E.g. it may be required that new clients who are commissioned during a period are charged partially, but clients de-commissioned during a period a charged for the full period. By unchecking "Same for Client Ending" you can specify an alternate part charging scheme for clients ending during the period. Note that if a client starts and stops within the same billing period then the part charging options for the client starting are applied.

You can use Add Charges to customise the date to automatically bill for the charge. It can be any number of days before or after the start or end day of the charge period.

Run charge

Service charges with a defined charge period are automatically billed on the date defined by their charge period and at the time of day set by the following system wide setting:

System Wide Settings -> Billing Settings ->Client Charge Transaction Generation Time

Charge transaction generation can be manually run at any time using the Run Charge Transaction button. After a charge has been billed, the charge transaction information will appear for each billed client in the Transaction History section of the Client Billing Tab.

Generate Transaction
You can manually run charge transaction generation for a selected service charge.

Work Order and Dispatch Billing

One or more charges may be assigned to a work order or dispatch job before or after it is has been completed

Charge details such as quantity and amount can be edited by double-clicking on the assigned charge items

Work order charged
A work order with assigned charges

Activation Billing

Activation billing is currently only supported in legacy billing mode.

A single charge (e.g. alarm call out fee) may be assigned to a current or completed activation. Billing status on the completed activation will read "Chargeable" if the activation belongs to a billed client (one who has a billing account no. set either directly on the client billing tab or via the dealer on the dealer details tab) and the activation charge has not yet been processed by a billing batch. After the charge is processed by the next periodic activation billing batch run the completed activation's billing status will read "Charged". Once an activation has been marked charged it cannot be billed again by subsequent activation billing batch runs.

Activation charged
Completed activations are marked "Charged" after processing by an activation billing batch run.