Maintenance Tab

The Maintenance Tab stores technical information about the alarm panel system installed at the client premises.

Maintenance Tab


The Servicing Area enables you to fill in the following fields:


The Installation Area enables you to fill in the following fields:

Panel Details

The Panel Details Area enables you to:

Panel Details

Please Note: panel details can also be referenced from Base account (Read Partitioned Clients for more information).

Extra Info

This is a free form area where you can insert any additional information about the client.

Caller ID Numbers

You can specify the Caller ID numbers belonging to the site under the Caller ID Numbers section. If Check Caller ID is enabled, Patriot will check the caller ID number for all signals coming from the panel. If an unknown caller ID is received, Patriot will generate an alarm indicating a caller ID mismatch. It is also possible to add more than one caller ID for the site.

Please Note: The Caller ID is also checked against the sites Business Phone Number and the Panel Dialler Phone Number. If matched successfully, the signal is granted with correct Caller ID logging.