Downloadable Custom Report Layouts

Patriot offers the below customised report layouts for download. See Customising Report Layouts for more information on creating, editing, and importing customised report layouts.

Australian Standard AS2201.2

Download: Australian Standards AS2201.2 Operator Response Extended Report.rdlc

Report Type: Operator Response Extended

This variation on the Operator Response Extended report generates the required compliance statistics for AS2201.2.

The default category definitions are based on action plan priority:

Category Action Plan Priorities
High Priority 1
Asset Threatening 2
Subsistence 3
Low Priority 4+

These category definitions can be changed to suit your system set up by altering the table filters in the report definition file.

User Extended Report

Download: User Extended Report.rdlc

Report Type: User Report

This is a user report which gives more details than the standard User Report.

Additional information included in the Extended report:

False Alarm Summary Report

Download: False Alarm Summary Report.rdlc

Report Type: FalseAnalysis

This is a False Alarm Analysis Report which contains only the summary information.

Unlike the standard False Alarm Analysis Report, it does not show a list of Policed Alarms.

Incident X Report with Dealer Branding

Download: Incident X With Dealer Image Report.rdlc

Report Type: IncidentReportX, IncidentReportXByUser

This is an Incident Report which contains a dealer logo along the top of the report, allowing each dealer/installer to have a distinct reporting style.

Incident Report without Client Number

Download: Incident Report without Client Number.rdlc

Report Type: IncidentReport

This is an Incident Report used in previous versions of Patriot 6 which does not show any Client Numbers on the report.

Incident Report without Zone/User Number

Download: Incident Report without Zone User Number.rdlc

Report Type: IncidentReport

This is an Incident Report used in previous versions of Patriot 6 which does not show the Zone/User number column on the report.

Incident X Report without Zone/User Number

Download: Incident X Report without Zone User Number.rdlc

Report Type: IncidentXReport

This is an Incident X Report used in previous versions of Patriot 6 which does not show the Zone/User number column on the report.

Reason Analysis Summary Report

Download: Reason Analysis Summary Report.rdlc

Report Type: ReasonAnalysis

This is a Reason Analysis Report used in previous version of Patriot 6 which includes the summary table only - no activation listing is present.

UL Client Statistics Report

For Patriot to be UL classified the Client Statistics Report must be imported into Patriot.

There are 2 reports that need to be setup. Both of these are based on the Generic Report Format.

  1. Client Statistics Totals Report

    Create a new query using the following:

    USING Microsoft.Samples.Entity;
    FUNCTION ActiveCount() AS
        SELECT value COUNT(mem.client_no)
        FROM PatriotEntities.Memalarm AS mem
        WHERE mem.UNS_MON <> 0
    FUNCTION InactiveCount() AS
        SELECT value COUNT(mem.client_no)
        FROM PatriotEntities.Memalarm AS mem
        WHERE mem.UNS_MON = 0
        AND mem.CurrentWorkgroup = 0
    SELECT ActiveCount() AS ActiveClients,
           InactiveCount() AS InactiveClients
    FROM PatriotEntities.MasterSysSettings

    Then create a new report type, of type Generic Report. Use the Client StatisticsTotal.rdlc format.

  2. Client Statistics By Receiver Report

    Create a new query using the following:

    USING Microsoft.Samples.Entity;
    FUNCTION ActiveCount(portid string) AS
        SELECT value COUNT(mem.client_no)
        FROM PatriotEntities.Memalarm AS mem
        WHERE mem.UNS_MON <> 0
        AND mem.portid = portid
    FUNCTION InactiveCount(portid string) AS
        SELECT value COUNT(mem.client_no)
        FROM PatriotEntities.Memalarm AS mem
        WHERE mem.UNS_MON = 0
        AND mem.CurrentWorkgroup = 0
        AND mem.portid = portid
    SELECT mem.portid, ActiveCount(mem.portid) AS ActiveClients,
           InactiveCount(mem.portid) AS InactiveClients
    FROM PatriotEntities.Memalarm AS mem
    GROUP BY mem.portid

    Then create a new report type, of type Generic Report. Use the Client Statistics By Receiver.rdlc format.

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