Automatic Dispatch

Automatic dispatch allows for dispatch to both internal and external response services allowing monitoring stations to operate in an unmanned fashion.

The Automatic Dispatch feature can automatically:


User Setup

Instructions for configuring a user to receive a web dispatch (i.e. an email or SMS containing an ICA link to the dispatch) can be found in the Web Dispatch documentation. To set up automatic Plink dispatches, look at "General Patrol Setup" section of the Patrol Response Features document.

Using a Select Patrol user type to broadcast to multiple patrols

If you wish to broadcast to a group of patrols, they must be grouped together by being linked to the same "Select Patrol Dispatch" user. Where a Select Patrol Dispatch user is on the automatic dispatch response plan, all linked Plink users will also receive a dispatch request automatically. These linked users must also be on the same Patrol Dispatch grouping as the client to receive the dispatch job.

Response Plan Setup

Assign tasks to your response plans to trigger automatic dispatch. Assign the Smart Phone task for Plink dispatch or an Email and/or SMS task for Web Dispatch.

Beware that a task assignment will only trigger an automatic dispatch to a user if that user supports the task's dispatch method. Ie. if you assign a Smart Phone task to a user that does not have Plink Dispatch enabled then no dispatch will occur. Likewise if you assign an Email or SMS task to a user that does not have Web Dispatch enabled, or if the user's Web Dispatch Notification Task does not match your task assignment, then no dispatch will occur. Make sure to consider this when assigning tasks at the user group or user type level - you may need to assign multiple Web or Plink Dispatch tasks to ensure all users within the group or type receive the dispatch.

Double click the task, for a popup to appear. Choose 'Patrol Response' as the message type so that when an activation is created, a dispatch job is automatically created and sent out to the appropriate users either as a web dispatch (email or SMS) or plink dispatch (smartphone notification).

Response Plan setting
Response plan for automatic dispatch using the Smartphone task for Plink dispatch

Dispatch Rules

Automatic Dispatch With Select Patrol Dispatch

To receive the dispatch request, the individual patrol user(s) must:

Select Patrol Dispatch has two modes: Broadcast and Multiple Jobs - which mode you are in depends on your system wide setting Automatic Dispatch Type.

Select Patrol Broadcast Dispatch

In this mode Patriot will create a single dispatch job and immediately send a notification about the dispatch job to those patrols which rank the highest according to your Automatic Dispatch Patrol Selection Rules. If none of these ranking patrols accept the job within the system wide setting Automatic Dispatch Delay Time, then notification(s) about the job will also be sent out to any lower ranking patrols.

Once one of the patrols linked to the "Select Patrol Dispatch" user accepts the job, the other linked patrols who were sent a notification will lose access to the dispatch job.

For example, if you set the rule Client Groupings Match to Rank, when the activation client belongs to the group "Key Chain A", the patrol user below will receive the dispatch request as soon as the activation is created. If this user doesn't have "Key Chain A" as one of their Patrol Dispatch groupings, then they will receive the request only after those patrol users who have "Key Chain A" failed to pick up the dispatch job on time.

Internal Patrol Company - Dispatch Groupings
A patrol user with assigned dispatch group.

In the case that no patrol users pick up the dispatch job within the dispatch request Acceptance Warning Time (set in the system wide response settings), then a warning note will be logged against the dispatch job and the operator will be notified (if applicable).

Select Patrol Multiple Job Dispatch

Multiple Jobs select patrol response plan assignment
In Multiple Jobs mode you must specify the max. number of patrols to dispatch in the response plan assignment.

In this mode Patriot will create multiple dispatch jobs, one job is created for each matching patrol according to your Automatic Dispatch Patrol Selection Rules, up to the maximum number specified in the response plan task assignment.

All patrols are immediately notified about their new dispatch job.

If the select patrol has more matching patrols than specified in the response plan assignment, then only the highest ranking patrols, again according to your Automatic Dispatch Patrol Selection Rules, will receive a job and notification. If there are less matching patrols than specified then Patriot will create as many jobs as possible, and then log a warning note about the deficit against the activation client. If however no matching patrols are found at all then an error signal will be logged against the activation client.

Complete the Activation

To enable the monitoring station run in a unmanned fashion, a dispatch job that created by the Automatic Dispatch feature can complete the activation once all the following conditions are satisfied:

Using escalated messaging in conjunction with automatic dispatching

You can use escalated messaging to send a patrol response as a last resort. Read through escalated messaging for more info.

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