Reports on a Specific Client

Log Reports show a list of the signals received for a client within a specified time frame. For example, one of your clients is a retail store and the owner of the store would like to know what time their staff opened and closed the previous week. As a solution Patriot can create a log report showing all the Open and Closed signals received for that client during the previous week.

To create a Log Report, simply click the Log report button on the Reporting Tab of the client record.

Client Reports

Log Reports Button on Reporting Tab

This will open the Report Wizard for Log Report in step Other Filters.

Log Report - Other Filters

Log Report - Other Filters

The date range that the Log Report applies to can be adjusted with Start Date and End Date. Only the signals received during the time and dates specified will be shown in the report.

For example, if you want a Log Report of all signals received on Monday the 30th January 2012 then you would need to specify the date range: From 30/01/2012 00:00 To 31/01/2012 00:00. This means that only signals received between 00:00 on Monday morning and 00:00 on Tuesday Morning will be included in the Log Report.

Archive Data can be included in the report if the Include Archive Data checkbox is enabled. This will load matching data from the archive database if any is found. Normal log data is also included along with the archive data.

With Selected Action Plans filter you may select the type of signals to include in the report by Action Plan. All Action Plans are assigned per default but assignments can be changed in Selected Action Plan

In the example above we would unassign all Action Plans except opening (unset) and closing (set) type Action Plans.

A standard Client Report and Client Report With Response Plans can also be run for this individual client by clicking on the appropriate buttons. For further documentation about Client Report and Client Report With Response Plans see Patriot Reports.

Customising Report Shortcuts

Patriot can also customise the report shortcuts which appear in the reporting tab.

Open the reports settings from the reports menu which is located at the bottom of Patriot's Window. A checkbox is located under each report which will allow a user to configure whether or not the report will appear in the client report tab. This option is not available for all report types and will only be present for a select number of report types. See list below.

How to customise report shortcuts