FE900 Listen In

The FE900 Listen In module is required to use this feature. Patriot communicates with the FE900 using the standard Ademco Receiver Task.

The FE900 alarm receiver supports listen in functionality from certain supported alarm panels. When one of these alarm panels reports a listen in type alarm, the receiver will hold onto the call for a predetermined time period. When the operator responds to the alarm, they can manually or automatically request the call is transferred to their extension, so they can listen into the call.


The FE900 may require some configuration, which is beyond the scope of this document.

Ensure the correct Listen In Type is selected from System -> System Settings -> System Wide Settings -> Misc Settings -> Listen In Settings. Choose either FE900, 3CX, or FE900 3CX Mixed Mode. If using FE900 3CX Mixed Mode ensure a client grouping is configured and corresponding values assigned to appropriate clients. See the Setting details for more information. If using 3CX or FE900 3CX Mixed Mode ensure the 3CX Server address and Port have been entered below the Listen In Type setting. The 3CX Transfer program must also be configured. This program receives transfer commands from Patriot and sends them onto the 3CX program using the correct operator extension and FE900 line number as configured in the Transfer program configuration. Contact Patriot support for further assistance with this.

If using FE900 or FE900 3CX Mixed Mode Listen In Type, to transfer the call to the operator, the FE900 performs a blind transfer of the call. The command to perform this blind transfer can be adjusted from the default by changing the settings in System -> System settings -> System Wide Settings -> Misc Settings. The Listen In section contains a pre and post setting for the command. The default value is [!05,], excluding the []. This should only be changed after consultation with Patriot personal.

Each workstation must have the extension they wish to transfer the call to, setup in System -> System settings -> Workstation Settings. The Listen In section contains the entry box for the Operator Extension.

For Patriot to know that a particular alarm is a listen in type alarm, the action plan used for the alarm, must have its special option set to either Listen In Signal, or Listen In Signal (Auto Transfer). If either of these are set, when the operator responds to the alarm, the transfer and hangup buttons will appear on the activation response window. If the Listen In Signal (Auto Transfer) special option is used, the command to transfer the call will be issued as soon as the operator opens the activation.

Each client must have the Fe900 Listen-In Special Option selected in the panel, this is to be configured in the Client Maintenance -> Panel Type -> Special Option.

Responding to alarms

The call is transferred to the operator by simply pressing on the transfer button, or by just opening the activation, if Listen In Signal (Auto Transfer) special option is used.

The operator can also manually hangup the call by pressing the Hang up button.

Hanging up when no activation is generated

Sometimes, an alarm comes to the receiver with listen-in enabled, but in Patriot it doesn't generate an alarm (e.g. a test). However the receiver holds on to the line until the timeout period of 2 minutes has elapsed.

To make it easy for operators to clear this specific line, go into Maintenance -> General -> Remote Controls, and create a Remote Control with the type 65101.
For "Applies To", select "All Clients".

Remote Control settings

Now when you click the remote control button, there will be the option to hang up the line. You will need to select the correct task and Line number, and click the hang up button.

Hanging up a line

Trouble Shooting

First diagnostic tool to use to trouble shoot a problem should be the Ademco Receiver task diagnostics window. This will display the listen in information received from the FE900, and the commands issued back to the FE900 (using FE900 mode).

Where the 3CX mode or FE900 3CX Mixed Mode is used, the 3CX Transfer program displays a diagnostic readout of all commands received from Patriot and sent to 3CX.