Contact Tab

Use the Tab key on the keyboard to move through the fields on each tab, or place the cursor in the field where you want to insert data.

Contact Tab
Contact Tab for a client

The Contact tab appears by default when you select a client. Pressing the Tab key will move you from one field to another, and this is where you will enter the following:



OK password: used if everything is OK at the premises.

Hold up password: used if the premises is currently being robbed.

Enable Password Verification: check if the clients OK or Hold up password has been verified when opening an activation.



Key Type: Used to indicate what kind of access interface is at the site. New Key Type can be added at Maintenance -> Clients -> Key Types

Keys Chain: Only available when Dispatch Module is registered. New Key Chain can be added at Maintenance -> Clients -> Key Chains


Image of the key can be uploaded to patriot by clicking the Save icon in the Images tab. By selecting multiple keys, an image can be shared between different keys.

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