User Groupings

User groups are a a filtering tool in Patriot to facilitate easy selection of users. They can be created and configured in the Maintenance -> Users -> User Groupings screen

By separating them into different groups you can make it easier to select the correct users especially when you have very large amounts. In particular User Groupings are useful for Patriots reporting functionality. Reports done By User can be defined based on User Groupings instead of specific users allowing multiple users to be selected and comparison done between them.

A By User Report being run on a User Grouping

From the User Grouping menu you can add and remove User Groupings, and set their Group Category and properties. You can also view the list of users currently assigned to the User Grouping.

Users are assigned to a User Grouping from the Groups tab in their Properties. A user can be in any number of User Groupings.

Special Group Properties and ICA

If you have any of the Patriot ICA modules in your license you can apply the special group property Client Web Access to any User Grouping. Any user in a group with Client Web Access and a configured ICA Password is able to login to the your Patriot ICA website and use it to view and configure any Clients they are assigned to.

When Client web Access is selected the Special Group Properties tab becomes populated with permission settings for the ICA website. By checking and uncheckign the permissions you can fine tune what actions users can perform on the ICA website.

The ICA advanced module adds several more Special Group Properties. In particular is Supervisor Access which allows the user to view information on the ICA Supervisor dashboard if it is configured and Patriot monitoring is enabled.

Related Pages

Users Tab

Internet Client Access