The SIA Format is a complex format for which the raw format would be difficult to interpret. It is best to leave the understanding and interpretation of these signals entirely to the Patriot software. A template is provided (Account No: SIA1-0001-01) for all the possible types from this format along with appropriate descriptions. This template can be changed as desired to suit the monitoring stations specific needs.

It is possible to override the SIA template for a particular type by inserting that type number in the client record in question. This may be useful when it is required to change the behaviour of a template type. For instance, it may be decided that a particular event, which is treated as an alarm type signal in the template (which applies to most clients), is required to be a restoral for a certain client. Use the SIA template for alternate types lookup as normal and just enter that single type in the client's type list using the restoral check box.

The SIA Protocol 2 has the following format:



Protocol identifier for SIA protocol 2
Receiver number 00-FE
Line number 1-E
Beginning data delimiter
Account ID block code
Account ID, maximum sixteen digits (Patriot 5.2 currently only supports a maximum of six digits)
Field separator
Function block code
Event code or modifier
Zone code, or user code, or time/date information
Data code packet separator
Ending data delimiter
Terminator, 14 Hex

The length of the signal varies and it can support the maximum 63-byte data block transmission from the control panel.

An example of a SIA standard transmission:



S - SIA protocol 2

RR - Receiver number 01-FE

L - Line number 1-E

# - Account ID block code

1234 - Account ID

| - Field separator

N - New event function block

ri1- Area/Partition number 1

BA01 - Burglary Alarm zone 01

] - Ending data delimiter

[DC4] - Terminator, 14 Hex

Patriot can cope with SIA Account ID of up to 16 characters.