Smart Phone Setup

Before an end user can connect a smartphone app (pLink/sLoneworker) to ICA and/or Patriot, the monitoring station must first be added to the configuration of the AppConnect website.

Edit appSettings.config in the AppConnect website on the web server.

Add a line for the monitoring station in the appSettings section.

<add key="[Monitoring Station Code]" value="[Monitoring Station Name]|[Monitoring station ICA URL]"/>

Note the data in the value property is | delimited.

The [Monitoring Station code] can be any alpha numeric code selected by the monitoring station, but should be easy for the end users to enter without mistakes.

The [Monitoring Station ICA URL] is the URL of the current location of their ICA website. It should not contain a trailing \, i.e. http://[Server address]/ICA

If the Client is using a hosted ICA site, make sure they have their own copy of ICA setup (ie can't be using the general host site), and use this for the url, not host/. Don't rely on host redirect as this doesn't work with plink.

Setup Notifications

If the monitoring station also has the Smart Phone module, the above config needs to be extended to include the monitoring station's Sender ID they have obtained from the google Developers website. See Smart Phone Module

Update the key to this,

<add key="[Monitoring Station Code]" value="[Monitoring Station Name]|[Monitoring station ICA URL]|[Sender ID]"/>

Setup Loneworker

If the monitoring station also has the Lone Worker module, the above config needs to be extended to include the monitoring station's Lone Worker Sender ID they have obtained from the google Developers website. See Lone Worker Module

Update the key to this,

<add key="[Monitoring Station Code]" value="[Monitoring Station Name]|[Monitoring station ICA URL]|[Sender ID]|[Lone Worker Sender ID"/>

Note: if the monitoring station is using the Lone Worker module but does not use ICA or the pLink app then you must enter dummy values into the Monitoring station ICA URL and Sender ID fields (e.g. you could use "" and "12345" these dummy values do not need to be unique).