ICA Translation

Patriot ICA shares the same translation resource as the Patriot client. If you wish to change any of the translated phrases that appear in ICA, follow these steps.

  1. Ensure that the appropriate phrases have been translated using the same procedure for translating the Patriot client . The name of the phrase to be translated is usually contained in the .aspx page or .cshtml page.
  2. On the webserver where ICA was installed, open the folder containing ICA (usually installed to a folder like C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ila ). Then go into the folder bin\[xx], where [xx] is the abbreviation of the language you are translating into. Copy in the ResourceLibrary.resources.dll you generated in step 1.
  3. Check that the regional settings option in the web.config is configured correctly. See ICA Installation - Regional Settings.
  4. Try ICA and see if your newly translated phrases appear correctly.