Engineers Respond To Tech Faults

A particular dealer has engineers responsible for technical / system events, and does not want to be contacted directly for these events.

For any system alarm on any of the dealers clients, the operator should contact the engineers directly to resolve the fault. In addition, the keyholders should be contacted to let them know about the problem. The dealer himself does not want to be contacted.

To accomplish this, we will override the response plan at the dealer level. Response plan overrides at the dealer level take prority over the global response, but can be overridden by setting a response plan at the individual client level.

Response Plan

First we need to create a response plan that only includes the keyholders and engineers. An appropriate response plan may already exist, but you can follow these steps if it doesn't.

  1. In Patriot, go to Maintenance -> General -> Response Plans
  2. Insert a new response plan. Give it a name, such as Keyholders + Engineers.
  3. Assign the User User Type and the Engineer User Type.

Keyholders + Engineers Response Plan

The Keyholders + Engineers response plan.

Note: You may need to add the Engineer user type to see it in the response plan list. You can add this from Maintenance -> Users -> User Types. Ensure the User Kind is set to Engineer.

Engineer User Type

The Engineer User Type

Dealer Setup

Next we need to override the response plan for system alarms on the dealer.

  1. Open Maintenance -> Users -> Dealers and find the desired dealer.
  2. On the response tab, insert a new record to add a new override.
  3. Select System Alarm for the Action Plan
  4. Select the new Keyholders + Engineers plan for the Response Plan.

Dealer override of response plan

Overriding the response in the dealer

Any clients using this dealer will now have the updated response for any new System Alarms that are generated. You can verify this by opening any of the dealers clients and examining the response for the System Alarm action plan. As you can see below, the correct response plan has been selected from the dealer, and is showing the keyholders + engineers but not the dealer himself.

Client Response page showing dealer override

Response plan for one of the dealers clients.