HTTP Namespace Reservations

Some tasks and features require Patriot to listen for incoming HTTP traffic on a specified port.

In certain Windows server environments, particularly when you have the Patriot services configured to run under a Windows account which is not the default Local System account, you may need to add a HTTP namespace reservation before the port is accessible. You can do this from an Adminstrator command prompt:


netsh http add urlacl url=https://+:9001/ user="SERVERDOMAIN\ServiceUser"

Replace 9001 with your required port, and the user name with the account which the Patriot services are running under. The default account for the windows services is LOCALSYSTEM. The account which the services are running as can be checked from the Windows Control Panel, Services list, in the properties for the Data Service / Task Service.

Add HTTPS namespace for JSON (Encrypted)

Any existing HTTP namespace reservations must be deleted before adding the new reservation.