Contact ID

Also known as Point ID.

Contact ID has the following format:



CCCCClient Code
18Indicates Contact ID format
QIndicates if it is a New Alarm or a Restore event
EEEEvent Code
GGArea (sometimes referred to as Group Code)
(Interpretation depends on whether the Action Plan is set to Zone Info or User Info.)

Event codes are standard to Contact ID and are ideally set up as a standard Contact ID template client. If you have a standard template, whenever a Contact ID client is being added to the database, the template can be used instead of unnecessarily re-entering all the standard types.

Under contact ID the same event code can have two meanings, depending on whether it is a new alarm or a restore according to the Q indicator in the signal. If the event is a restore, Patriot adds the digit 1 in front of the event type number. For instance, if the closing event type happens to be 401, its corresponding restore code will be an opening. To distinguish the two as separate events, the restore or opening will become 1401.

Fire Alarm1101110
AC Loss3011301
Open/Close400 (Opening)1400 (Closing)


1234 18 R401 02 U001

Here GG = 02. This will give a client account code of 1234-0002-01 (assuming a Port ID of 01).

1234 18 R401 03 U001

Here GG = 03, which will give a full account code of 1234-0003-01.

1234 18 R401 00 U001

This gives client code = 1234, type = 1401, and zone/user = 1.

Module Numbers

By default Contact ID is handled in Patriot using a module number of 0 for all zones. This effectively means all event types share a common zone list. For example, if you receive 2 signals:

Burglary (130)1
Tamper (137)1

They will both use the same zone record (Zone 1, Module No 0) in Patriot. This works in practice with most event types and zone combinations, but there are times when a particular zone means something different depending on the event type. It is common for alarm panels to have system zones defined which only apply to a particular event type. To cope with these situations, you need to either override the module number on the type, or change over to using Contact ID Expanded.

Both methods mean that the event type will now have a separate list of zones, on a different module number to the default of 0.

Contact ID Expanded

If you need to ensure that a particular zone only relates to a particular event type, then you need to use Contact ID expanded.

You can set the Interpreter on the client to 'Contact ID Expanded'. This has the effect of treating all event types as expanded.

You can also set individual event types to be treated as expanded, by setting the type records, module field to a value other than 0. Generally you set this to the same value as the type number for simplicity.

With Contact ID Expanded set on the event type, Patriot will create a new module for the event type received so it can potentially have a complete new sequence of zone numbers. This is done by setting the module number of the signal to a value other than 0. If the Contact ID interpreter is used, this sets the module number to the same value as the type number. If you change the module number from 0 in the event type record, this is the module number assigned.

For example:

1234 18 R130 00 U001

This gives:

Client ID1234
Type No130
Module No130

Each new module number provides another 65000 zones that can be used. Zone No. 1 Module No. 1 is a completely different record from Zone No. 1 Module No 2.

A wildcard zone can also be entered, which works like a fall back if the specific zone is not found for a matching module. This is setup by entering in a zone with a zone number of 64000, and a specific module number, eg 130. Then if a signal is logged with an event type 130 (module 130), and zone 5, Patriot will attempt to find a zone 5, module 130. If this doesn't exist, it will search for a zone 64000, module 130. This zone should have a generalised description that matches the event type.

Patriot will finally fall back to checking for a matching standard (module 0) zone. This allows you to setup only the few specific zones that need to be treated as expanded, and then fall back to the general zone list. You can also setup a wildcard zone to stop this behaviour for a particular type if required, which would be generally done in the zone template.

Patriot will work through the following sequence until a matching zone record is found.

  1. Client Zone with matching Zone No and Module No.
  2. Client Zone with matching module no, and Zone no if 64000 (wildcard).
  3. Zone Template with matching Zone No and Module No.
  4. Zone Template with matching module no, and Zone no if 64000 (wildcard).
  5. Client General Zone, with matching Zone number, and module number of 0.

If a matching zone record is found at any one of the first 4 places above, it is treated as an expanded zone. The description of the signal then comes purely from the zone description. The type description is removed. This allows you to completely override the event type behaviour of a particular zone.

Using a combination of expanded zones and standard zones, allows for all possible situations to be covered, with the least amount of data setup and duplication of data involved.

Concept Zone Mappings

When supporting a Concept alarm panels from Inner Range using Contact ID as the format, there are a number of standard templates to cover a variety of situations.

Patriot has a pre-loaded template to cover each of these, available from the Templates page. These templates include both a types template and a zone template. No Types Interpreter is required when using any of these mappings. The zone templates maps the zone number to the appropriate module and individual zone.

An alternative to using the Zone Mappings, is to change to using IR Fast format.

SIMS II Mapping

When the panel is setup to report in Conact ID, with a SIMS II mapping, Patriot supports this using the CID SIMMS II interpreter, and the SIMS II Template, available from the Templates page.

The CID SIMMS II interpreter has the affect of setting the module number to a value of the Area number, plus the upper most (hundreds) digit of the zone number. The Zone number also gets set to the lower 2 digits of the original zone number.

So a signal with Type: 130, Zone 101, Area 6, gets translated into a Patriot signal of Type 130, Zone 1, Area 6, Module No of 106.

SIMS II By Zone Interpreter

There is also an extended way to handle SIMS II Mapping. This the SIMS II By Zone Interpretor. Firstly, the interpreter is only applied if the event type is in the range 0-400, or greater than 500. Then the same translation occurs as per the stand SIMS II interpreter. Then the signal is logged using the By Zone feature, as if the Area code was set to By Zone. This allows the signal to be directed to the appropriate area. Note that opening and closing signals are excluded from this behaviour, as they report with the correct group code (area number).