Scheduled Welfare Checks

A lone worker must report welfare checks at three scheduled times of day. If a welfare check signal is not received at the scheduled time, within a tolerance period, an activation should be generated.

Setup in Patriot:

Using a combination of client reminders and the delay/restore options on the event type representing the Welfare Check signal* Patriot can automate the process of monitoring a lone worker client reporting scheduled Welfare Check signals.

*In the example we use type no. 64012 - which is the standard Welfare Check signal reported by Identicom lone worker devices via Patriot's GSM task..

First, to set up a client reminder:

Select “Client Reminders” under the maintenance menu.

Create a Welfare Check Reminder

Add a suitable reminder type, such as “Welfare Check”.

Save the new reminder

In this example we have used a type number of 65280 for the new reminder.

Now in the client that we want to do the welfare checks on, set up the event types:

  1. Reminder event with a delay.

    Welfare check received event type setup

    Here we have an event type setup where the 65280 reminder signal that generates will not display to the operator for 1hr 30mins. This gives you a time window of when you expect to receive the Welfare Check 64012 signal from the lone worker client. You can reduce this window if you need it to be at a more specific time. This should use an alarm action plan, and have 64012 as the Restore Type No.

  2. Welfare Check signal as a restoral.

    Welfare check not received alarm event setup

    This needs to be the Type No you will be receiving from the lone worker as a welfare check – in this example 64012. The Action Plan assigned must be a Restoral type, so that the alarm reminder (the 65280 alarm event we have just set up) is cleared.

Now we just need to add some Reminders.

If you expect welfare checks at 8am, 12pm, and 5pm, with an alarm 30 minutes afterwards if it is not received, then we need to set up 3 daily reminders.

We want them to generate alarms at 8:30am, 12:30pm, and 5:30pm if the 64012 is not received.

So, the reminder times should be set for alarm time minus the delay time (we’ve used delay time of 90 mins in the example).

The reminders then should be set at 7am, 11am, and 4pm.

Reminder Setup

Here is our morning reminder. Give it a header description, choose the Reminder Type that you created in the first step, set the time to 7am, make it permanent and repeat time of exactly one day.

Do the same again for the other two checks, so that you have threereminders at different times of the day.

When you have done all this, you will only get alarms if you have not received the Welfare Check 64012 signal. If the signal gets received around the time it is expected, it will clear the alarm reminder and no activation will be generated.

Further Scheduling

The above example so far assumes that the lone worker client will report three daily Welfare Check signals, seven day a week, without holiday. Adding further scheduling (ie. a five day week with public holidays) is a simple process using Patriot's client standard/holiday schedule tools and the Action Plan Scheduled Actions feature.

First, setup the lone worker client schedule on the Client Schedule tab. Here is the schedule for a lone worker monitored Mon-Fri only:

Client Schedule

Next create a new client scheduled version of your Welfare Check Not Received event action plan (in this example Low Priority Alarm). This scheduled Action Plan will only generate an activation if the event occurs within the source client's scheduled open times (Mon-Fri in our example).

Action Plan Scheduling setup
Scheduled version of the Low Priority Alarm action plan

Finally the new scheduled action plan should be assigned in place of the original Low Priority Alarm action plan in your lone worker client's event types list.